The future of personal assistants: Virtual or physical robots?

September 27, 2021


With the development of technology, humans have created many types of robots to make our lives easier. One of those robots is the personal assistant, designed to help us with daily tasks and make our lives more manageable. As this technology continues to evolve, the question arises: what is the future of personal assistants, virtual or physical robots? In this blog post, we will compare virtual and physical personal assistants, and discuss their potential future.

Virtual Personal Assistants

A virtual personal assistant is a computer program that utilizes artificial intelligence and natural language processing technologies to take voice commands and perform a variety of tasks. These assistants are found in smartphones, tablets, and other devices. Some of the most popular virtual personal assistants include Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant.

Virtual personal assistants have a lot of advantages- they can be accessed anywhere, at any time, and can perform a wide range of functions. However, they also have their limitations, such as the inability to perform physical tasks or communicate through body language.

Physical Personal Assistants

On the other hand, physical personal assistants are actual robots that have the ability to perform physical tasks in addition to assisting with daily activities. They can fetch and carry objects, help with mobility, and provide physical support. Physical personal assistants include robots like Pepper, Zora, and Boston Dynamics' Spot robot.

Physical personal assistants offer several unique advantages over their virtual counterparts, including physical capabilities and the ability to communicate through body language. However, they also have limitations, such as high costs, maintenance requirements, and physical size.


To determine the best type of personal assistant, we need to compare the two types based on several criteria.


Virtual personal assistants are less expensive than physical ones, as they don't require a physical body or maintenance. Consumers can easily access these programs on their existing devices, such as smartphones or speakers. Physical personal assistants, on the other hand, require a significant investment, with some costing well over $10,000.


Virtual personal assistants can perform many different tasks, such as making phone calls, adding items to a shopping list, or controlling smart home devices. Physical personal assistants, however, have the added ability to perform physical tasks, such as opening doors, fetching items, and providing mobility support.


Virtual personal assistants can be accessed from any location with an internet connection, while physical personal assistants must be in the same location as the user.

The Future of Personal Assistants

The future of personal assistants is difficult to predict, as technology is constantly evolving. However, it is clear that both virtual and physical personal assistants will continue to play a significant role in our lives.

The continued development of artificial intelligence and robotics will likely result in more advanced and capable personal assistants. These assistants may be a blend of virtual and physical, with virtual assistants controlling physical robots to perform tasks. We may also see the development of smaller and more affordable physical personal assistants, making them more accessible to a wider range of people.


In conclusion, both virtual and physical personal assistants offer unique advantages and disadvantages. The best option depends on the specific needs and preferences of the user. However, it's clear that as technology advances, personal assistants will become even more capable and integrated into our daily lives.


  1. Saha, S. (2021, June 15). The Pros and Cons of Virtual vs Physical Personal Assistants. Readwrite.
  2. Asano, J. (2021, August 20). Best Personal Assistant Robots 2021: Buyer's Guide.

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